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Discover the Cinedans FEST 20 years Best Of Selection

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Check out the Festival Program for Cinedans FEST '24! 

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Moving Media Lab Open Studio at Cinedans FEST '24

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Apply now for the Cinedans Pitch '24! 

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Moving Media Lab opens the doors to their studio during Cinedans FEST ’24, at the Playground space of A lab opposite Eye. Come by on the 25th of March at 17:00, to step into the process of captivating projects. Find out more here!


Join us for the 20th anniversary of Cinedans FEST ’24!  Taking place from the 20 - 24 March in Eye Filmmuseum and 20 - 31 March online at Cinedans WEB. Come celebrate daring, beautiful and fascinating dance films, and get carried away by performances, installations, masterclasses and much more…Get your tickets here!


After the successful launch of our online content platform, Cinedans WEB continues all year round with online special programs, but also with live coverage of the festival, background information, interviews and much more! Dive into exclusive content and discover what dance films have to offer from a distance...


Cinedans LAB is the education and talent development department of Cinedans. The LAB engages young makers and new talent with the development of dance film and stimulates research. Take a look at the different trajectories and initiatives we have on offer!


Our extensive network allows us to collaborate with partners to present dance films all over the world! Every year, the best films of Cinedans FEST are invited in the tour program. Check our agenda and past endeavours. Cinedans TOUR might be coming to you!

Film Stills: The Rooster by Chadi Younes | When Arabs Danced by Jawad Rhalib | Cinedans LAB workshop Dance & Camera at MTD-ATD |  Leather by Thomas Bos, Erik Bos, 155 (eenvijfvijf)

Cinedans | Gedempt Hamerkanaal 205, 1021 KP, Amsterdam | info@cinedans.nl