Select Estate Financieringen is a mortgage broker specialized in financial advice regarding mortgage loans.

The company is located in Wassenaar, near the international city of The Hague and mainly focuses on properties in the greater The Hague area (including Wassenaar, Voorburg, Voorschoten and Leidschendam).
During the last years, the company has developed an assessment for financing private properties in The Netherlands as well as in other countries, such as Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom.

We have a close knit relationship with several well established real estate agents and reliable mortgage loan providers such as banks, insurance companies and building and loan societies.
Building a trustful and lasting relationship with our clients is very important to us and our aim is to service our clients in a professional manner concerning the finance of a private property, a pied à terre, a holiday home or possibly a yacht. 

We look forward to welcoming you in our office. Furthermore, we will be much obliged to arrange an appointment at your office or private residence.

Select Estate Financieringen is a mortgage broker specialized in financial advice regarding mortgage loans.

The company is located in the international city of The Hague and mainly focuses on properties in the greater The Hague area (including Wassenaar, Voorburg, Voorschoten, Leidschendam).

During the last years, the company has developed an assessment for financing private properties in The Netherlands as well as in other countries, such as Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom.

We have a close knit relationship with several well established real estate agents and reliable mortgage loan providers such as banks, insurance companies and building and loan societies.

Building a trustful and lasting relationship with our clients is very important to us and our aim is to service our clients in a professional manner concerning the finance of a private property, a pied à terre, a holiday home or possibly a yacht.

We look forward to welcoming you in our office.


Select Estate Financieringen has openend a new office.

See “Route” for further details.

Van Zuylen van Nijeveltstraat 120 (Main Office)

2242 AT Wassenaar

tel: 070-5112266

fax: 070-5112915

Leuvensestraat 85

2587 GD Den Haag

tel: 070-3512802

fax: 070-3521344

Select Estate Financieringen is registered at the Chamber of Commerce Haaglanden, with number 28094119

Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets license number 12007427

F. van Lanschot Bankiers N.V., bank account number

VAT number 8137.54.422

Wij zijn u graag van dienst inzake adviezen en de aanvraag van de onderstaande producten:

  1. Mortgage loans for the purchase of private properties

  2. Mortgage loans for the finance of improvements, maintenance of private

  3. properties

  4. Mortgage loans for the purchase of investment / rental properties

  5. Mortgage loans for a second private property

  6. Mortgage loans for a pied à terre, holiday residence

  7. Mortgage loans for sailing or motor yachts

  8. Refinance mortgage loans

  9. Application monthly tax rebate mortgage interest

  10. Advises and application regarding life insurances in relation ship to

  11. mortgage loans

  12. Advises and application regarding disability insurances in relation ship to

  13. mortgage loans

Select Estate Financieringen
Advisement in Mortgages and Financial Services
About UsAbout_Us.html